법정 (498)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha 는 부끄럽지 않고 저속하거나 말도 안되는 광고를 삭제할 권한을 보유합니다.
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Frederick- Adriana, Ginger, Lola, Naomi, Mona, Simona, Vanessa, Fany, Anabel, Nicol, Anička
Hello - which ladies are working tonight ?
G-man - Yes she has
Pinnocchio- will be here on friday and saturday
Has Sarah returned to AAA Exclusive Club ?
Thanks for the answer. I'd like to meet Naomi and Kate. Hope they are up to.
Paul- Alex, Kristýnka, Anička
Good evening. Which girls will be in the club tonight?
MN: Lola bude po 22 hodině.
Dobrý večer. Bude dnes v klubu Lola? Děkuji