법정 (533)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha 는 부끄럽지 않고 저속하거나 말도 안되는 광고를 삭제할 권한을 보유합니다.
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které holky dnes večer ? a v pátek večer prosim ? díky
Do u recognize my description? :)
She was there 3 days ago, her very first time on AAA Club. Blonde woman with pink underwear, star tattoos on her arm. Im bad at remembering czech names :)
Daniel and Satisfied customer: We are very sorry, but we are not sure who you mean.
I was at AAA Club 2 days ago and i vad such an amazing time with the new blonde girl there. Whats her name and will she be working tonight or tomorrow? Had such a great time!
Yesterday there was a new girl at AAA. Whats her name and will she be working tonight?
Brandon: Monča a Dianka zatím nebudou, Andrea v sobotu večer.
hynek: Jistě :-)
Dobrý večer bude dnes večer Vaneska?
Ahoj, kdy bude Diana, Monika nebo Andrea? Dík.