법정 (541)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha 는 부끄럽지 않고 저속하거나 말도 안되는 광고를 삭제할 권한을 보유합니다.
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hi. me and my buddy will visit prague for the weekend. we have only 2 nights so we have to choose wisely which strip club to go. son how much would it cost for a couple of 5 lap dances and a 3-4 bottles of beers? we want to spend the whole night
BFL: Hi, not tonight, but call me before your visit and we can to discuss about it :)
Hi. Any girls with latex clothes and boots working often?
hynek: Dobrý večer, ano Vaneska tady v sobotu bude. Budeme se na Vás těšit.
Dobrý den bude dnes v sobotu 6.5. v klubu Vaneska?
John: V sobotu budou Amy, Jessica, Naomi, Melisa, Sarah, Simona, Vanessa, Carol, Kate, Elen a další.
Ktere divky budou v sobotu? Dekuji.
Igor: dnes Daniela, Diana, Jessica, Naomi, Nikol, Tatiana, Bella, Lea a Anabel
dnes ktora divka,diky
Cuckoo: we like you too. :-)