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AAA Exclusive Club Praha 는 부끄럽지 않고 저속하거나 말도 안되는 광고를 삭제할 권한을 보유합니다.
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Which Girls are in the Club this Evening ?
Peter: We kindly ask you to call for free pick up service. Tonight 8 ladies. .-)
Wanna come today from Praha 1 can you please come for me and my friend? When? How menu girls you have today and when?
Dobrý den, Jane. V sobotu bude 13 slečen, pro více informací si zavolejte na 775077775 :) Děkujeme
Dobrý den jaké slečny u vás budou v sobotu. Děkuji
Tom: Dnes:Cindy, Claire, Diana, Ella, Lili, Sabina, Sarah, Denisa, Naomi, Nela a Gabriel
Matias: Thank you.
For me Diana was the highlight of my holliday. What great, beautiful and easy going girl. Diana alone is worth another trip to prague this autum :)
dobry den muzete mi prosim prozradit jake slecny vas dnes navstivi Dekuji :)
Mario: Přesně nevíme, jak bude párty probíhat, ale budem hrát stylovou hudbu, pít, tančit a bavit se. :-)