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Dobrý večer, Hynku. Ano, Vanesska je v klubu :)
Dobrý večer bude dneska vaneska
Hi John, Laura is unfortunately not working anymore, but we have many new and beautiful ladies. We hope, you enjoy us again :)
Hi there, I was wandering if the Laura, I see between your girls is the sameone I used to visit last year? Thx John
Dobrý den, Frede, od šárky zatím nemáme nahlášené směny, Nikol bude, ale pro upřesnění si raději zavolejte na 775077775. Děkujeme :)
Ahoj, bude někdy tento / příští týden Nikol nebo Šárka?
Hello shifter, Friday and saturday we will have around 14 ladies each night :)
who will be working Friday and Saturday night please
Shifter : Thank you. We will be glad if you visit us again and we look forward to you.
Hi Ladies Only a few days before we arrive, cannot wait to spend time in your club.