법정 (698)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha 는 부끄럽지 않고 저속하거나 말도 안되는 광고를 삭제할 권한을 보유합니다.
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Thank you for a great time agian ! See you soon I hope ! ;)Give a big hug to Ana from me please
Macek: bohuzel
shifter: wow :)
Norska: also to you :) and all our customers we wish all the best. we also hope to see you soon :)
is it ok if we bring Harry Potter with us...!!!
Dobrý den, slečna Nina už u Vás nepracuje ??
Happy new year to all the beautiful girls of AAA club! My best wishes for 2012 and hope to see you soon!
Honza: stejne jako vzdy, 200,-Czk
Zdravim.mam dotaz kolik bude vstup na silvestrovskou party?dekuji za odpoved.
only 8 weeks till we arrive.looking forward to your fantastic hospitality...!!!!!!