법정 (733)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha 는 부끄럽지 않고 저속하거나 말도 안되는 광고를 삭제할 권한을 보유합니다.
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Can´t i visit this club with my wife?
We have Ježíšek (Little Jesus) who brings Xmas presents. Not Santa. :-))
Is it a special late delivery from Santa Clause? Maybe ten girls from AAA wrapped in a surprise package? Can't wait!!
Dear gentlemen, we have really big surprise for you that arrives after Christmas. Keep watching our website or ask during your visit in the club.
Vážení pánové, na období Vánoc, respektive hned po nich pro Vás má AAA Club Praha opravdu velké překvapení. Sledujte náš web, nebo se zeptejte při Vaší návštěvě našeho klubu.
Hallo kjs, we are open every day at 7 p.m., we kindly ask you to call AAA Club to get fresh info. Thanks :-)
Dobry den. Who will be working on the afternoon shift on Thursday and Friday?
Franta: slečna Vanessa u nás už bohužel nepracuje
Dobrý večer,kdy pracuje slečna Vanesa?
Thank you self =) Oki :D Lili to, I hope she be there in november ? Take care ma'am