Forum (206)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha zastrzega sobie prawo do usuwania nieprzyzwoitych, wulgarnych lub bezsensownych reklam.
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Hello John, today is working Amy, Bianca, Claudie, Jana, Kaira, Michell, Naďa, Natali, Tereza, Týna, Veronika, Simona,
HI who will work tonight and Saturday night?
Hello, today will be there Amy, Bianca, Inna, Jana, Michell, Parvati, Rita, Theresa, Týna, Veronika, Simona,
Hello, who will be there please?
Ahoj, Honzo. Dnes večer je slečna Bianca, Claudie, Eva, Klarisa, Michell, Nada, Parvati, Rita, Týna, Simona, Sky, Lili.
Ahoj, jaké slecny jsou dnes?
Hi, Peter. I hope, YES :))))
Hi there, are you open first of september
Hello, Muuagita. We send greetings to Luxembourg :))))
Hi, Piet. Tonight is Andy, Bianca, Claudie, Inna, Eva, Michell, Mona, Natali, Rita, Týna, Veronika. Tomorrow will be Bianca, Claudie, Eva, Klarisa, Martina, Michell, Nada, Parvati, Rita, Týna, Sky, Simona.