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AAA Exclusive Club Praha zastrzega sobie prawo do usuwania nieprzyzwoitych, wulgarnych lub bezsensownych reklam.
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Dobrý večer které slečny budou dnes?
Hello, today will be Amy, Bianca, Eva, Kaira, Michell,, Naďa, Sofie, Týna, Andy. Karin will definitely not be this week.
Hello, today are Amy, Bianca, Eva, Kaira, Michell, Naďa, Sofie, Týna, Andy.
Hallo. It is OK. What about Karin? Is she still in Klub? Otherwise, which girls will be there tonight? Bye
Hi, wich Lady Will be there tonight?
Hello, Klaus. No, sorry. These ladies aren't going to work this week. But there are other ladies available.
Hallo. Will Sandra or Zuzka be in the club this week? Bye
Dobrý večer, Petře. Dnes večer je slečna Rita, Kaira, Týna, Michell, Mona, Bianca, Karolina, Klarisa,Sofie.
Dobry den, kdo bude dneska v klubu?
Hi, John. Today Are Amy, Sofie, Michel, Eva, Mona, Lola, Theresa, Bianca, Týna, Klarisa, Natali, Kate, Angelina.