Forum (373)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha zastrzega sobie prawo do usuwania nieprzyzwoitych, wulgarnych lub bezsensownych reklam.
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Kdy bude v clubu slecna Chanel?
Filda: Kontaktujte nás telefonicky prosím, děkujeme :-) 775 077 775
A které slecny escort?
Filda: Diana, Katka, Carrie, Lola, Melissa, Nicol, Anna, Theresa, Vanessa, Sofie, Melany, Linda, Isabella, Sára, Eva , Mona a Tara
Dobry večer, kdo je dnes v klubu? Dekuji
Mat: Klára on Sunday, Bára next weekend
Will Karla or Bara be in the club on Sunday or Monday or Tuesday?
Max and Jack: Tonight will be available: Diana, Katka, Carrie, Lola, Melissa, Nicol, Anna, Theresa, Vanessa, Sofie, Melany, Linda, Isabella, Sára, Eva and Marie Tomorrow night wil be available: Lucy, Amy, Eliška, Lara, Carrie, Denisa, Melissa, Nicol, Tamara, Anna, Vanessa, Sofie, Melany, Diana, Isabella, Sára, Nina, Eva and Marie
jack: will confirm tomorrow
Max: will confirm tomorrow