Forum (574)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha zastrzega sobie prawo do usuwania nieprzyzwoitych, wulgarnych lub bezsensownych reklam.
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Zdravim, ktere slecny budou pracovat dnes?Diky
DObrý den, Natty. Dneska pracují slečny Denisa, Diana, Jane, Jessica, Naomi, Sylva, Viki, Cat, Elien, Kimi, Lisa, Nina and Andrea
Zdravím, které slečny u Vás budou v pondělí? Díky
Thomas: We respect the privacy of ladies, so we kindly ask you to call us or to come to the club. Thank you.
Al: Thank you very much ! Best regards from girls and AAA team :-)
Many thanks to everyone in the club. As always a lot of smailes and kindness. I look forward to my next visit. My special thanks to Monica, Jane and Ella.
Mr Unknown: We kindly ask you to visit our club, that we can explain you everything. Thank you. :-)
Ahoj Petře, Denisa je ode dneška až do čtvrtka, Kira bohužel tento týden ne.
Ahoj, kdy bude Kira nebo Denisa? Díky.
Hello Gabriel, Grace is still working, but she has off. All girls make tantra massage.