Forum (585)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha zastrzega sobie prawo do usuwania nieprzyzwoitych, wulgarnych lub bezsensownych reklam.
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Dobrý den, bude o víkendu v klubu slečna Tammy? Srdečně vás zdravíme a těšíme se až vás opět navštívíme. Děkuji :-)
Frank: Tonight 10 ladies. Call for free pick up please.
Hi, i am in Prag tonight and wanted to ask how many girls are in the club tonight so around 22h.
Hello Martin, yes ofcourse, you can visit our club with your girlfriend :)
I want to have some fun with my girlfriend and want to ask if it is possible with the girls in your club.
Hi Rob, today we have 13 girls :) YOu are more, than welcome
Hi Dave, yes, we have free pick up service, you can call us every day after 7pm :)
Who is in the club saturday? And sunday
Hi, I just arrived at Silenzio Hotel. Do you also have room service or shall I go there? Do you have free pick up service from my hotel to the club?
Marcus: We kindly ask you to call us before and dont forget, that free pick up service is possible up to 15 km and daily after 10 p.m. Thank you.