Forum (751)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha zastrzega sobie prawo do usuwania nieprzyzwoitych, wulgarnych lub bezsensownych reklam.
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Pablo: its very old information at that site, not actual already, the price you are asking would be about 4000USD + what you spend at the bar
Also I am planning to visit Prague soon, how much would it cost to rent the whole club with the all girls for one night ? thank you
ok, posílala jsem vám email s fotkou.
Simona: nove a hezke divky bereme neustale ;)
Ahoj, berete ještě nové dívky?
Hi Ashers...10 min from the center.
Hey was wondering, are you located in new town? or old town ?
Miki: Také se těšíme...
ty jo jak na to tak koukam tak hned jak se dostanu do prahy tak sem zajdu a budu doufat, ze tam zrovna bude slecna jenca nebo se tesim....
Hi Paul, unfortunatelly Lili doesnt work here any more...