Forum (763)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha zastrzega sobie prawo do usuwania nieprzyzwoitych, wulgarnych lub bezsensownych reklam.
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Goodnight, may I ask you, does Lili still work in your club? Thanks.
Diky Alexi, jeden pozdrav i pro Tebe...
Thank you MrFuck...:-)
Moc zdravím barmanku Angelu!
Hi, this is MrFuck of the I write you because i love your club and i want write a good review in my blog. greeting to Hanka the barwoman :)
Hi 166, its always better to call us and we will let you know. Thanks
Could u tell me tonight which girls will be in the pub at around 10:00 pm (23/09)?
could you tell who will be tonight 23/09 at around 10:00 pm? thanks
Ahoj Marku, Izabel tu dnes je, tak zavolej, domluvime se. Diky