Forum (799)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha zastrzega sobie prawo do usuwania nieprzyzwoitych, wulgarnych lub bezsensownych reklam.
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Markus and coco: its too soon to know how it will be, but we try to make them to come as we tell them about your requests
Is Vilma working on the 19th or the 20th march 2009?
Who is working tonight and tomorrow night?
hi,lejla in 16 march working?
Hi, will Leila be working on the 19th or 20th of March 2009?
daniel: co se tyce Liliany, tak fotky jste jeste ani najit nemohl, eskorty vsak jezdi, co se tyce toho kdy bude, tak si prosim zavolejte, diky
Roman: Vanda jiz u nas neni
Robert: o vikendu byva kolem 10 krasnych slecen
david: Jena bude patek a sobota
Prosím které slečny budou v pátek a o víkendu?