Форум (207)
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Hello, Aaron. This evening are Kaira, Martina, Ivana, Eva, Amy, Týna, Klarisa.
Can you tell please who is present this evening, Thank You
Dobrý večer, dnes jsou slečny Amy, Claudie, Klarisa, Martina, Michell, Mona, Lola, Sofie, Tereza, Týna, Linda, Ivana.
Dobrý den, prosím kdo je dnes? Diky
Dobrý den, Vládo. Dnes večer bude slečna Inna, Eva, Kaira, Klarisa, Karolína, Martina, Michell, Natali, Týna, Linda, Loren, Claudie, Ivana.
Dobrý den, kdo bude dnes večer. Děkuji
Hi Henrik, yes, these girls still work with us, we look forward to Your visit. Best regards AAA team
Hi. we are some friends who want to visit the club in November. Is Nada or Michell there still then? Also Jane? I showed the video on your gallery to some friends, they liked it. The the two girls in the video, is that Bianca and Michell (the one dancing). Sexy and beautyful :-)
Hi, Chad. Today will be Bianca, Inna, Jana, Kaira, Karolína, Michell, Nada, Parvati, Ruby, Sofie, Týna. On tuesday will be Rita, Sofie, Týna, Simona, Andy, Jana, Kaira, Klarisa, Michell, Nada.
Hi. Which girls will be in AAA monday and tuesday? I plan to visit with friends.