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Love: We are very sorry, but Foxi doesnt work here any more.
Dobrý den, bude zítra večer v klubu Karin, Claudia nebo Kiara? díky.
Hi. Is Foxi working tonight?
Eve: Dobrý večer, těšíme se na vás. :-) Rozvrh slečny K. ještě neznáme.
Dobrý večer, tento víkend se k vám opět a zase chystáme. Dave se ptá zda tam bude slečna Kelly? I tak se k vám velmi těšíme! :-)
Al: Probably you mean our bartender. You can come to have a drink with her, but different service is forbiden. We are sorry. :-)
Fr-pán: Foxi bohužel prozatím nebude.
Dove: Ještě bohužel nevíme, kdy slečna bude. Zkuste zavolat v pondělí. Děkujeme
Hi. I visited on 13 December, around 10:30. There was a beautiful oriental woman there. But she was dressed in casual cheque shirt and jeans, and did not introduce herself as the others did. It did not look like she was available for 'party'. In any case, I had already selected a companion for the evening and would not have been so rude as to change. But for next time, I was wondering if she might be available. For me, she was perfect. Thank you.
Je to tak smutné. Má Foxi stále pracují v klubu? Mohu-li se zeptat.