• Ночной клуб Прага - AAA Exclusive Club, кабаре, Чехия - 1
!!! Special offer 2+1: Every third DRINK for FREE. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday !!!
Don't miss: FREE ENTRY and charming sexy girls
Air-conditioned bar and rooms

Форум (701)

AAA Exclusive Club Praha оставляет за собой право удалить непристойные, вульгарные или бессмысленные объявления.

Seznam příspěvků

Ačkoliv nejsem velkým příznivcem tohoto odvětví. Musím říct, že tenhle podnik má hlavu i patu. Jednou jsem nakoukl do Neon clubu a připadal jsem si tam jak v slepičárně.

Omylemklient3.11.2011 10:43:30

Hello! I will be in Praha this weekend and hope to visit your wonderfull company and girls. What can I get when I visit you? Whats the price and whats include?

Man_19672.11.2011 20:07:01


AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB30.10.2011 22:30:42

Brazil: we are sorry but we cant to know like this what girl do you mean. We have not have a few girls only. Impossible to know without the name and more when that whas 2 years ago.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB26.10.2011 21:49:25

Thanks for comming, review, we will tell her and we are looking forward for you next time. :)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB25.10.2011 22:05:01

Couple: Yes its possible. Some of the girls yes. Depends od how they will be feeling with you

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB25.10.2011 22:03:10

A highly recommended place!! What they say on the website is true. Free transfer to the club, nice and friendly staff, no hidden charges, no overpriced drinks or any other usual rip off! Very relaxed atmosphere. Nice girls, especially Nela from Plzen. The person who will respond to this message please pass my greetings to her, she will know who is it from:) Thank you AAA team for wonderful time!

Gentleman from London25.10.2011 04:18:03

Hi, Do couples come in and will any of your girls go with women ? Thanks, the club looks amazing.

couple21.10.2011 10:55:23

BigPete samozrejme muzete s Nicol opakovat co budete chtit..

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB19.10.2011 21:03:32

Hi there,we went to visit the old club in summer 2009,have spent a great evening with a lovely blond girl,she was very smart,slim,with brown eyes,she also had a prefect English,but dont remember her name. Just would like to know whether is she still working for you????We are planning to come over soon. Thanks a lot,i cant stop thinking about her,would like to see her once again.

Brazil17.10.2011 21:04:00

Сексуальные девушки, компаньоны Прага

Come and meet with companions in our exclusive nightclub in center of Prague and choose a sexy girl of your dreams and fulfill your wishes and enjoy new experiences.

View all girls (56)