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AAA Exclusive Club Praha оставляет за собой право удалить непристойные, вульгарные или бессмысленные объявления.
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Ladies,thanks for the 2 great nites last week,fantastic new club,stunning girls and superb bar managers,c u soon.xx
willis: very often, feel free to call us to get info what exact days ;.)
how often does katrin work?
Hi Ladies Will be seeing you on the 24th,any news on who will be working that night,really looking forward to it,get plenty of beers in for us...!!!!!
Special greeting to one of your charming bartenders Dana: Jeg kommer garantert tilbake med en kamerat fra Trondheim. Hyggelig å bli kjent med deg!
Norsko: We are looking forward to see you back. ;-)
Dai: Could be so kind and call at the evening to the club? Thats the best way how to give you this info.
SweArgus: of course its possible. We kindly ask you to call us at the evening to the club.
Thanks again for two wonderful nights in AAA club! Please give my best kisses to all the girls (especially Erika, Veronika, Anna, and that crazy girl I shared taxi with!). Sorry that I couldn't come last night, but I'll surely be back!
Hello! Thinking to visit in 24th Feb. Which girls will be at club and avairable for escort? When you know, ley me know. Thx!