Форум (752)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha оставляет за собой право удалить непристойные, вульгарные или бессмысленные объявления.
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Hi everyone,is Lili around tonight?
ano urcite....
Ahoj, máte dnes nějaké pěkné dívky třeba jen na strip,blondýnky?
Sweden: in CR you are adult from 18, so yes, no problem. :)
Hello me and my friend from sweden are interesting to come to your club , but one of us är 19 years old, do he comes in to your club?
Dede: yes, and not :) hope you get it :)
Dears, When I pay cash, may I receive a receipt ? If yes, I hope that "AAA Club" is not mentioned. Please confirm. Thanks.
dear gentlemen, we have tonigh about 15 girls and we are really busy, but if you call us we will help you with your choice for escort service or we will pick you up if you want to join us partying in the club
Happy Newyear. I am in Prag tonight. Can anyone tell us who is working today?
Hola. Which girls are in the club 2night?