Форум (755)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha оставляет за собой право удалить непристойные, вульгарные или бессмысленные объявления.
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Vazeni panove, zrenovali jsme klub, prijdte se podivat jak je u nas opet krasne.
Lion/Stringer: head person who doas email usually is ill now, be patiente or call us please
Jose: we are looking forward to see you :)
Sent an email 3 days ago, but haven't received an reply. Is the address info@aaa-club.net working?
Thanks aaa,wishing her all best! Pretty fair from you to say it.Will come anyway.Ahoj Jose
Jose: Love
Norsko: thanks a lot, we are looking forward to see you next time :)
Hi everyone,as I have found out.....Lili doesnt work for you anymore?How come?Where is she gone?Jose
Ahoy, I just would like to thank you all for a great Halloween celebration at your club last saturday! We were three happy Norwegians that left after what we all felt was a FANTASTIC evening. We bought drinks to all girls present, but unfortunately we had to choose only three. I went with wonderful Susan. Please give my regards to her and all the other beautiful girls at AAA club - the best club in Prague! We'll surely be back soon... I hope. Na Schledanou
Jeste kdyz by hodily navrat,Tak dejte vedet. Udelali by jsme u vas party.Diky