Форум (756)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha оставляет за собой право удалить непристойные, вульгарные или бессмысленные объявления.
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hi...do you have available girls (and who) for escort tonight?
Patrick: we dont know yet, give us one week to find out. Its true that this day its always very difficult with number of the girls, really very dificult.
How many girls are you expecting to be in the club newyears evening? Will it be as last year?
Hi Dede, yes to all your questions :-)
Do the ladies receive a commission on the "ladies drink" ? Thanks in advance for your answer.
If I pay 2 to 3 ladies drink (3 times 11 €), will she stay with me at the bar for about 1 hour ? Just for talking and a little bit flirting. Thanks.
Hallo Peter, sure thing. Come to see us :-)
Hi Oslo, we are not sure yet. Call us whenever you come to Prague and we will let you know. Thanks
i will be in praha in 10 days, i want to know if it's possible to meet one or two girl in your club and to have more relations also in hotel after or the day after; Thank you for your answer
do you know who is working in the time 23-27 december? me and my friends are visiting prague then =)