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AAA Exclusive Club Praha оставляет за собой право удалить непристойные, вульгарные или бессмысленные объявления.
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Které dívky budou dnes v klubu?
Ok,sounds good:) Looking foreward to meet u all:)
kokki: as the pool is in the room, than only who is in the room can use the pool as well....we are looking forward to meet you :)
Hello aaa club:) I will be in prauge on the 25-29 of august. What night is the best night to come visit the club? Nice to read all the nice rewies of the place:) Im really exited to see the place and meet the girls. They all look very sexy. Is the pool only for 1 person or do other guest share it? See u all soon:)
ok tank you.....
Hallo Paquito, thank you for your comments... of course we will be open... call us and we will let you know exactly who is working...see you soon:-)
hello aaa club i will be in prague for this week end just 2 nigth august 14th and 15th are you open for this day's? and if you are open can you say me wich girls will be for friday and saturday nigth on 14thand 15 th august i was already 1 time in your club some moth ago tank you and i think that is a better small but very good staff and very god girls and very nice atmosphere tank you!
Frederik: :))))
Alan: již je po dovolene zpet
Hi aaa,thanks for a great evening yesterday,got a great relax,chat,fun.You were all super.AAA is the best,best atmosphere,girls,barmate....See you soon