Týna - 34 yo
sexy girl in night club Prague

Týna is in the club today!
Pokud hledáš dokonalé uspokojení s nezapomenutelným zážitkem tak zavolej nebo přijď a chtěj Týnu. Budu jen Tvá.
Týna - 34 yo - photogallery
How to book as a companion with me?
Do you want to meet the sexy girl Týna - 34 yo in our nightclub near the center of Prague or take advantage of some of our nightclub services in the presence of Miss Týna - 34 yo? Or would you like to invite your companion Týna - 34 yo from Prague to lunch, dinner, business meeting, holiday, hotel, etc. without visiting the club? Then contact us best on your phone or via e-mail and specify the date and your requirements. We will be happy to answer your questions.
Club price list where you meet Týna - 34 yo
Come and meet the girl Týna - 34 yo in our nightclub. Entrance to the club is free. Detailed information about transport and entry can be found in Дискретна передача в клуб нашим автомобілем. Detailed prices can be found in the Price list section.