Форум (538)
ААА Exclusive Club Praha залишає за собою право видаляти непристойні, вульгарні чи нерозумні об'яви.
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Seznam příspěvků
Paul: Děkujeme za upozornění, drobnou chybičku napravíme. :-)
Shifter: Thank you and a biiiig kiss. :-)
Papa: Thank you. :-)
what a great 3 nights spent at this wonderful club, pick up driver always on time in his "Passat".Lovely manageress who lets you ring the bell...not.3 wonderful nights, many thanks ladies, hopefully see you next year, luv to Anabel, magic lady..!!!
Kate, your smile is a weapon, a weapon that killed me and Smurfette ;-) your eyes are like diamonds, like the sunrise in the morning, thank you for an unforgettable time. PS: and many thanks to the driver ("watch our for the black mercedes") ;-))))
Mathes: Můžeme se domluvit. Prosíme zavolejte nám. Děkujeme.
Lucky: You should talk about that with them. Thank you.
Tanqy: thank you. Yes you can. See you.:-)
Sahara: Prosíme o zaslání vašich fotografií na klubový email. Děkujeme :-)
mnela bych zajem chtela bych prijed ted v patek