Форум (574)
ААА Exclusive Club Praha залишає за собою право видаляти непристойні, вульгарні чи нерозумні об'яви.
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Lofty: 190 cm
Ben: 3 hours tantra with 2 ladies cost 14400 CZK. Thank you.
Hello ! Can we imagine the possibility for a tantra massage with 2 womans and the double of time (180min)? Naturelly for the price x2 (9600.-)...
Hi X How tall is the tallest girl you have ??
Maymum: Ani Lenka
Hello john, Klara is not working anymore, but we have many new and beautiful ladies. Hope, that you will visite us again :)
Hi, Does Klara still work there? She was there this time last year but I do not see her photo anymore. We are coming over at the end of April. Thanks
Ani managerka Lenka?
Maymum: Dobrý večer pane, bohužel už nepracuje, ale i tak Vás rády poznáme. :-)
Dobry vecer damy,chci se zeptat,zda-li u vas jeste pracuje jeste managerka Sarka