Форум (577)
ААА Exclusive Club Praha залишає за собою право видаляти непристойні, вульгарні чи нерозумні об'яви.
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Dobrý den, jaké slečny dnes večer budou v klubu? Děkuji za odpověď
Dobrý den rád bych se zeptal zda se dá zaparkovat v blískosti klubu?
Hello, yes, you can pay by credit card. There's also cash machine in our club.
Is that possible to pay with credit cards (girls + drinks)
Pelm: This fee means one drink free- beer, wine or soft drink and can include the free transport to the club too.
JiM: Thank you.
Hey, not so sure about what the 200 czk include, and how much does a public lapdance costs? The 200 czk includes free drinks or there is an extra cost? Thx!
Vivian & AAA staff. Great service. Great fun. Will come back. Best.
Hello Will, we have no problem wit the ladies in out club. You are welcome
Hello Jan, thank you very much, hope to see you again :)