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Mario: Ingrid is off, but other 30+ girls will be here. feel free to call us, that we can inform you . Thank you.
Hi, is Ingrid in the club next weekend? Any other 30+ ladies?
Hi Mac, yes, our club is open every day from 7pm. Today we have 12 girls, so feel free to call us and we can pick you up completly for free :)
hello, is emma working this week?
Hi, is club open tomorrow i.e. sunday? which all ladies will be in club tomorrow?
Mr.S: 2500 CZK
Joe: You can manage everything with ladies. thank you.
Armin: Elizabeth will be here only 23. and 24.10.
Hi. I would like to Meet Elisabeth on 20 or 21 oct. next Week! is it Possible? Thx
Thank you for this night ! THANK YOU ! It was amazing. Tantra is just too short ^^' We would like to rest all night between this hands... Nice atmosphere... Very nice taxi service. I come back in spring. I miss you yet...