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Dobry den. Was an exceptional experience when I was with you all on 10/5/14. My time with Darinka was very special indeed, I hope to see her the next time I visit Prague. My warmest regards to Melina as well. Ciao.
Pavelix: Kira nejspise delsi dobu nebude, je nam lito
Martine dekujeme za nazor, zpracujeme jej
Dobry den,chtel bych se zeptat kdy bude mozne zastihnout slecnu Kiru,naposledy jsem byl velice spokojen,dekuji
shifter: we are very much looking for your another visit ;)
good evening ladies,only 5 weeks before we arrive in your wonderful club,so looking forward to it,this will be our 10th year on the trot visiting you.x
hunky_ireland: hello, thank you for your interest, feel free to find all these info at our web site please, and we suggest to continue this communication by email or phone ;)
I will be in prague in summers ,I want two girls for one night , price and also photo of best girls you have
Evers: omlouvame se za malem pozdni odpoved, Pamela je
Dario: its nice to hear that, thank you, we are looking so much to see you back next time ;)