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Thank you Patrick...
Dear All, Thank's for a great night. Tp bad the girls had to leave early, but i can't blame them. B.R. Patrick
PB: Vanessa not, we are sorry.
Will Vanessa be there newyears evening?
No problem :-). Today I remember you are open, so I might pass tonight or next days. Which girls are coming tonight ? HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU TOO !!
PeterInPrague: sorry that Vladka didnt answer to you, anyway always better to call when you want direct answer, we are looking forward to see you from 27th, Happy Xmas
tanx for great information angy meantime i'm relax and i learn still a little czeck language when i listen V BEZVETRI-VODA ZIVA -AND HRISNA TELA KRIDLA MOTYLI OF a A.L. MY FOUVORITE SINGER and afther many hardly working i wanna back in prague in AAA-CLUB again i wish your VASELE VANOCE A STASTNY NOVY ROK 2010 KDYZ JSEM V AAA KLUBU JSEM SVEM DOME AHOJJJJJJJJJJJ .......
Patrick, Max and all of you, who wanna have some fun on 31.12.2009... Lucy,Nina,Klara,Silva,Adriana,Nelly,Lea and many more... but probably only until 4.a.m., so dont come to late.. :-)
Hello ! Finally back to Prague :-) Who is there tonight ? Any new girl not on the photo section? Looking forward....