Форум (794)
ААА Exclusive Club Praha залишає за собою право видаляти непристойні, вульгарні чи нерозумні об'яви.
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Thanks a lot for a great time during a weekend at your club.Special thanks for the girl behind the bar and other blondies.....see you soon
???: Zavolejte si prosím do klubu, rádi Vám to povíme. :o)
dobry vecer, ktere holky budou o vikendu v clubu - pa, so, ne?
Ahojky, chtela bych jen poprosit, aby zmizely me fotky z tehoto odkazu, tedy pokud je to mozne: http://www.aaa-cabaret.cz/?Loc=gir&Lng=1 . Preji hodne zpokojenych zakazniku. Pa Edita
RobbieUK: feel free to call us, our bar mates will gladlly tell you
which lady is available sunday night ?
lada: mela by byt od soboty
Logan: we are not sure about any from these two girls for this week, we are sorry
lada: mela by byt od soboty
micke41: nope, sorry