Форум (828)
ААА Exclusive Club Praha залишає за собою право видаляти непристойні, вульгарні чи нерозумні об'яви.
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Joe: Wednesday/středa-Vanessa, Adela, Amy, Vanda, Katka, Isabell, Karolína, Charlotta, Liliana, Jenny and Bridget. Best time to come is around 9pm... Looking forward to see you....
MAX: :o)
Měl bych zájem nafotit nějaké akty a soft ... Je to možné a kolik by to stálo ?
Hi any girl offer lordly anal ?
Hello. Which girl will be here tonight and what is the best time to come?
YES maybe she is lazy but she is was the best the best and the best why shame? maybe the others girls are envious? of he'?!HER WAS VERY PROFESSIONAL!
hehe, Max.....yes, she is very good....shame she is lazy to stay in the club :(
AHOJ AAA CLUB new girl's? will be soon to working in your club? but i think that the best girl that there was in your club are only denisa blond girl with fantastic ligth blue eyes she is and was the real and unique queen of aaa club or rater the queen and the fairy of all czeck and slovak republic if he comeback to working with you i to return in prague as ligthning!!!!!! denisa is one unforgetable girl!..... many greeting's
Joe: yes, she is usually coming later, but she will be also tonight
Hello, will Leila be there tonight?