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AAA Exclusive Club Praha bảo lưu đặc quyền xóa một quảng cáo không rõ ràng, thô tục hoặc vô nghĩa.
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Dobrý den,které holky jsou ve čtvrtek v noci v klubu?
Anthony: Pokud chcete přijít v určitý večer, zavolejte a zkusíme to domluvit. Děkujeme.
Kelou: We are ready :-)
make an offer for a bachelor party,? the request is for tonight Tuesday 24, thks
Dobrý den, odpověď můžeme to zkusit znamená, že to možné není? Děkuji za odpověď
Kim: there are around 10-15girls in the club every night. Of course we welcome Asian customer. Tuesday: Alex,Diana, Elis, Jess, Kim, Natali, Tana, Theresa and others.
Which girls in the club on this Tues - Thurs (24-26) ? And your club welcome for Asian customer ?
DeadPit: Saturday: VIP Party...18 girls in the house :-)
DeadPit: Friday:Denisa,Anabel, Helen, Jessica, Lola, Naomi, Mona, Simona, Tatiana, Viki, Michelle, Angelina, ...
DeadPit: Thursday: Jessica, Gabina, Anabel, Naomi, Mona, Helen, Angelina, Simona, Alex, Lola