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AAA Exclusive Club Praha bảo lưu đặc quyền xóa một quảng cáo không rõ ràng, thô tục hoặc vô nghĩa.
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Seznam příspěvků
Dobrý večer, kdy bude slečna Diana? a které dívky budou v pátek a které v sobotu, bude v těchto dnech i Diana? Děkuji
Dobry den moc prosim vite uz ktere divky budou zitra pracovat? Moc dekuji
MrFloss: Strip dance on the stage lasts 15 minutes and costs 1500CZK.
Hello! Do you offer lapdances? How much are they and how long do they last?
Ali: Thank you :-)
Al: Thank you dear Alain. We are sending a biiiig kiss to you.
Paul: We are very sorry, but Elizabeth doesn´t work in this club anymore.
Many thanks to everyone at AAA. As usual, I had a great time thanks to a wonderful staff, and especially, the manager, Vladka. Best wishes also to Jessica and Tania for their kindness.
Is Elisabeth working today?