• Câu lạc bộ đêm Prague - AAA Exclusive Club, Night club, Cabaret, Cộng hòa Séc - 1
!!! Special offer 2+1: Every third DRINK for FREE. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday !!!
Don't miss: FREE ENTRY and charming sexy girls
Air-conditioned bar and rooms

Diễn đàn (617)

AAA Exclusive Club Praha bảo lưu đặc quyền xóa một quảng cáo không rõ ràng, thô tục hoặc vô nghĩa.

Seznam příspěvků

Edgar: Vše je o domluvě se slečnami.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB19.2.2015 23:33:03

Paul:Entschuldigung Sie uns, aber Eva ist hier nichts mehr.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB19.2.2015 23:32:33

Need to work I'm so sexy

karma19.2.2015 04:31:08

ich möchte gerne wissen,ob die nette Eva da ist,werde gerne am Samstag vorbei schauen

Paul13.2.2015 15:53:50

Menshan: We are very sorry, but Grace doesnt work in our club any more. Dont worry, many new girls are here. :-)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB12.2.2015 19:56:48

Hallo, I was at club on december and it was great. I spend there fantastic moment with Grace. Im want visit club again - its possible to book Grace for next days? Im in Czech now till 15.2.2015. Thank you for your answer :)

Mensah11.2.2015 22:46:25

jimmy: Rády Vám vše vysvětlíme osobně. Děkujeme.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB11.2.2015 19:26:38

dave: Prozatím nevíme.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB11.2.2015 19:26:00

Jerry: This week is Laura off, so we kindly ask you to call next week. Thank you.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB11.2.2015 19:25:37

Dobrý den,chtěl bych se zeptat jestli příští sobotu bude slečna Kelly v clubu?Chtěli bychom Vás navštívit.Děkuji za odpověd.Dave :)

Dave8.2.2015 17:46:37

Cô gái sexy

Come and meet with companions in our exclusive nightclub in center of Prague and choose a sexy girl of your dreams and fulfill your wishes and enjoy new experiences.

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