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AAA Exclusive Club Praha bảo lưu đặc quyền xóa một quảng cáo không rõ ràng, thô tục hoặc vô nghĩa.
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Pavel: Slečny mají pravidelné kontroly a testy přímo u nás v klubu. :-)
we came to the club last night, but couldn\'t find it. Are you closed?
Omlouvám se za takovýto dotaz. Mají slečny kontrolu od doktora, že jsou zdravé? Jak často na prohlídky chodí? Díky...
Great I will see you all this time next week! Looking forward to it! xx Roger
Ken, thank you very much! Hope to see you soon again :)
Hi Roger, Ofcourse we will :) You are more, than welcome!
I will be visiting Prague for a week on the 20th Nov for a week. I hope you will look after me ;-) Roger
Dekuji! Great third visit to AAA. Jenny is a wonderful woman. I'm home now. I wish we had a Club AAA in NYC. ;) Prossim...keep in touch. Visit. You are good people, and I hope I can visit you in Praha again.
Ken: Thank you again. :-) Kiss AAA Team
Honza: Ano měla by být.