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AAA Exclusive Club Praha bảo lưu đặc quyền xóa một quảng cáo không rõ ràng, thô tục hoặc vô nghĩa.
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Good morning. As usual I had a wonderful time in the club. Many thanks to the managers, bartender and drivers for their kindness. Many thanks also to the wonderful ladies in the club. I look forward to my next visit (I plan to come for my birthday). Kindest regards.
Joe: Hallo Joe, we kindly ask you to call us tomorrow evening. Thank you. :-)
Is possible to know which girls will be present monday?
shifter: Thank you! :-)
would just like to thank you ladies for 2 fantastic nights,great company,relaxed and great fun,see you next year
Martin:Kriss už nebude a Kelly dnes a poté až příští týden.
Atman: Supeeeer :-D
Ahoj kdy bude Kriss a Kelly děkuji za info . Martin
hi ladies, i m back this week from 12 to 16 June hope i will spent all my nights with you lol
Pete: Yes Sabina will be here. :-)