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AAA Exclusive Club Praha bảo lưu đặc quyền xóa một quảng cáo không rõ ràng, thô tục hoặc vô nghĩa.
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Seznam příspěvků
David Copperfield: Thank you so much for your lovely comments(all of them) :) I have passed your message to your lady already, she realy appreciate that :) See you
Hi! just wanted to say thank you for the very good weekend I've spent in your club! Say Hi! to the girls from me and specially to Diana! I should be back in Praha soon. Hopefully she will be there at that periode! I've posted a nice comment about your club on a other website! See you soon ;-)
John do: Dobrý den, Petra u nás stále pracuje, je tu každý den tohoto týdne, tak se stavte :)))
Danish Knights: we will fix that, ask for Manager on your arrival please :)
Dobrý den,chtěl jsem se zeptat jestli u Vás pracuje Petra(taková moc krásná cigánečka)a jestli ano tak kdy je v práci.Děkuji moc a přeji mnoho úspěchů.
I have two complains: I did'nt get my free drink with the one hour and I got a ruined towel for bathing. Next time I'll expect to be compensated ;) Say hi to Gabi and give her a hug for my
SweWolf: prohibition ended already so you are more then welcome over here guys :) looking forward to meet up a lot! :)))
Howdy Ladies ;) how u doing ? It seems like the swedish wolfpack retur at new year and that prohibition shall ended cuz we going to create a night u don't forget ;)
Danish Knights: We are glad to hear about enjoyable time you have spent with us, Gabi sents Regards and hugs as well :)
As Denmark guys said: We had a love time. True Gangnam Style will never be the same again. But the night turned legendairy when I ended up on stace bottemless. Ask Gaby why she has'nt written me :,(