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AAA Exclusive Club Praha bảo lưu đặc quyền xóa một quảng cáo không rõ ràng, thô tục hoặc vô nghĩa.
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Is it possible to have 2 girls at the same time? Is so which ones, or any two? Thanks
hi there,could please tell me wich days do katrine and lina work ,i will be in prague next week.thanks
nope, we are sorry
Hi is the lovely Petra (used to be Emma) still at the club? She is on your old site but didn't see her here.
K H: Katrin has vacation for longer time now
K H: Denisa almost everyday, feel free to call us for the confirmation
Jasná věc..cinkni :-)
Ahoj sefe...tady Lilly chci se zeptat veme te me zpatky?mylim to vazne zdravim Lilly :-D
when do katrin or denisa work?
not always :-(