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AAA Exclusive Club Praha bảo lưu đặc quyền xóa một quảng cáo không rõ ràng, thô tục hoặc vô nghĩa.
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shifter: its really not far, lets say 5min from Venceslas Square by car, we are still in wider centre, we cant know exactly what girls will be present in this moment, but always you can find at least half of the girls from our photos and some more who dont have photos yet, but they have similar qualities
Hi Ladies How far out of centre of prague are you now,arriving on the 24th feb any idea of who will be working that night and the next??x
Ronald: we cant to know exactly yet, but at least one or two of them will be here these days.
Swetiger: allways :-))
Norsko: yes, but only from 19.00 at the moment and Happy Hours is a diskount, so as its said, diskounts are not combinable, so for example the pick up service (if used) should to be paid in this case. Just for the info. ;-)
I'll be in your club next week. Have you started with happy hour prices? It sure looks that way - looking at the pricelist.
Hi, I will arrive to Prague tomorrow morning, I may visit your club by next Thursday or Friday...I just need to know whether Aisha, Slavka or Katrin will be available on these days or not. Thank you...
Hello! How you doing ? Are u ladies prepared for The return of The swedish crazy guys? , I see u soon.
john83: depends of a girl. Euro yes
Do they do anything you want? Anal? 69'ing? Also, do they accept Euro's there?