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AAA Exclusive Club Praha 有权删除不合格,粗俗或无意义的广告。
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Tomáš: V sobotu 3.6. budou Andrea,Kate,Jessica,Lola,Melisa,Simona,Vanessa,Carol,Ashley a další. :-)
Ahoj, jaké dívky budou v sobotu večer?
Jay: V úterý budou slečny:Elis,Erika, Jessica,Lola,Melisa, Natali,Kamila,Bella a Mailey
mogan: You can pay by card, but always before you rent a room.
Daniel: We are not sure. Please come to the club to talk about it with ladies personally. Thank you.
Aho,jaké slečny budou v úterý?
Invigorator: We kindly ask you to check our web, everything is written overthere. We are fair people, don´t worry. :-)
John:Tuto sobotu budou: Amy, Andrea, Jessica, Naomi, Nikol, Simona, Lea, Lucy, Honey, Sofie a 3 nové slečny Charlotta, Adriana a Ashley
Hi. I'll be visiting Prague in July and have heard a lot the club. Atleast it looks like a place where I won't get ripped off. :) Just wanted to know anything for a good deal on drinks and others for the best possible experience. Would love to spend a few hours here.
dobry den, ktere divky v sobotu, dekuji