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AAA Exclusive Club Praha 有权删除不合格,粗俗或无意义的广告。
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R&B sexy party jake te praty probiha ,chci v cvrtek prijs z kamaradek prosim o info
GHC: to rent a room with your company for one hour costs 2700CZK.
Lorenz: Thank you very much.
Marco: Thank you :-)
I had a pleasure to visit you few days ago with my friend and I really enjoyed. Since I'm back in Prague I will try to revisit you today. Just keep up with good work. And big regards to the girls.
Luke: Dnes bude 16 slečen :)
Tak mi alespoň napište, kdo zítra bude. Dekuji.
Bjorn:Thank you very much. :-)
Smurfie: Dobrý večer, zatím netušíme, protože slečna Lola je na dovolené.
I visited you just after midnight on Saturday night and all the staff was very friendly. I enjoyed spending time with Lisa. She is a so pretty and has a nice personality and she is very sweet to talk with. I wish I was able to come back to Prague and visit her again.