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Hi! I come and visit your great club on Thursday. Do you know what girls that will be in your place?
Anastagio: Yes, everybody pass tests every month.
Hi tim: we are not sure when Nikol comes back, but she will. :-)
Hi, when I could meet Nikol?
Al: Thank you very much. :-)
Al: Yes, she still works here, but she is on vacation and we are not sure yet, when is she comming back.
SweWolf: Great!!! :-)
I had a perfect visit in the club. As usual, a warm welcome, big smiles, a lot of caring. How could I ever thank everyone for this? Many thanks to the ladies in the club to listen and care for me: you are all gems. I look forward to my next visit.
Hi, Does Naomi still work at the club? I notice she is no longer listed on the 'girls' page :-( If she still works there, do you know when she will be next in the club?
Ive got to come back to you my pretty fly birds