• 布拉格夜总会 - AAA Exclusive Club,歌舞表演,布拉格夜总会 - 1
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AAA Exclusive Club Praha 有权删除不合格,粗俗或无意义的广告。

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Párty čtvrtky v měsíci březnu: 03.03. Disco party, 10.03. Carneval showtime, 17.03. ! Birthday club night !, 24.03. Beach sexy party, 31.03. Glamour night

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB5.3.2016 19:20:39

DL: One of the most important means of communication, love is undoubtedly touch. It is the hand that we can use in contact with a partner - and not only the physical but also the emotional and spiritual level. Besides that Tantric massage is a great way to worship the body of our partner, can serve as the perfect prelude tantric sexual union or maithuna. Communication touch When performing tantric massage is so important to carry out a precise movements, but rather through their hands to encourage partner with sensory impulses inducing feelings of tenderness and safety. It is essential therefore more likely to let intuition and heart to properly show us where and how to touch your lover, as well as when to stop or, conversely, increase the intensity of contact. In doing so, let us keep in mind that our goal - and therefore the goal of tantric massage - not achieving orgasm (even if it could happen), but enjoyment and pleasure. Effects of massage increases the use of aromatic oils and lubricants: aromatherapy, secondly, contribute to sensitize and create the ideal environment of intimacy and then have our hands better glide over the skin of our partner. We may použítjakýkoli kind of oil or rubrikantu, but the best results for tantric massage brings aromatic essential oils of rosemary, lemon or tangerine, because they stimulate the senses. For this type of massage is also recommended rose essential oil, because its effect is extremely sensual and according to the situation can calm down or vice versa excited state of mind. In addition, a positive effect on people suffering from sexual dysfunction like essential oil of ylang-ylang. To enhance the benefits of sensual caresses and tenderness may choose oil of myrrh, which also scent an entire room. The environment in which you make or receive a massage should act primarily as a pleasant oasis of peace secured against all disturbing elements. The best lighting is dim, shielded, or some such, which issued candles. As background music, select a romantic and emotional music that let's just quietly, although you can choose a complete silence when we listen to a sultry sound of your partner's breath as well. Apart from a few specific areas, such as the genitals, which require special treatment, tantric massage can be performed on the surface of the body. Delicate and sensitive touch palm may začítod toes, thighs go up to the flanks, where only superficially dotknemeokolí genitals, then returns his attention and energy on the abdomen and then focus on the area around the spine - from kostrčeaž the scruff of the neck - hence the breast and finally, the greatest love and tenderness massage the face and hlavusvého partner. Visit our club in Prague and enjoy a wonderfully exciting tantra massage.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB3.3.2016 21:58:44

whats the procedure of services in tantra massage?

DL1.3.2016 16:53:45

Jean: We don´t know, sorry.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB27.2.2016 19:52:07

Hello again, thank you answering. Alina does not work now, but is she supposed to come back someday ?

jean27.2.2016 10:07:09

Hi Jean, Alina is unfortunately not working now.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB26.2.2016 20:43:30

Dobrý večer, Tomasi. Slěčna Tammy dnes nebude určiitě, zavolejte si kdyžtak zítra do klubu, jestli bude v sobotu. Jinak dnes máme 14 slečen :)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB26.2.2016 20:42:38

Dobry den reknete mi prosim kdo bude dnes a zitra v clubu predevsim me zajima slecna tammy moc dekuji

Tomas26.2.2016 15:54:28

Hello AAA. Does Alina still work in the club ?

jean25.2.2016 08:46:49

Hi there, nice stay last time:-), available ladies tonight?

Clark23.2.2016 21:37:19


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