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AAA Exclusive Club Praha 有权删除不合格,粗俗或无意义的广告。
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Bil: Yes it is possible.
Do they travel for outcall to other cities?
Bill: Sabina works tonight, Saturday and Sunday. Thank you.
Shifter: Great. :-)
Is sabina working this week
I wonder when Laura is in the club, thxlove to see her again :-)
See all you lovely ladies tomorrow night, cant wait to return to the best club in Prague..x
MG: Hallo, she is here. We kindly ask you to call us to make a reservation. Thank you.
HI, just wondering if Caroline is working tonight,and if so if I may make a reservation with her
Mr B: We kindly ask you to call us, when you are ready to come and we will inform you. Thank you.