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Joe: almost everyday, its better to call in advance, thank you .)
Good morning and greetings to everyone. I just broke a little toe, but no problem for my visit: walking will be a bit difficult, but you can count on me on thursday 3. Kindest regards.
Ok. Thanks. Then what days work Tammy? Or Simona? Thks.
Joe: we are sorry, melany is not anymore with us. Feel free to choose any other girl for you
Dobrý večer,kdy bude v clubu slečna Nella?
Hi. Which days are Melany working: would love to meet her in escorts service. Thks.
Unfortunately not anymore
Pracuje u vás este slečna Dominika (Lucie) ?
Good afternoon and greetings to everyone. I am scheduled to arrive at 19.50 on april 3. Many thanks for your kindness. Actually, I have always been touched, when visiting AAA, by the kindness, smiles, attention from everyone, all this coming naturally: this is so rare and therefore so precious. No wonder that my next visit to Prague will be exclusively for visiting you. Kindest regards.
Al: when is your arrival dearest Al? simply give me a call, we will pick u up as compl. :) look forward to seeing u again :)))