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AAA Exclusive Club Praha 有权删除不合格,粗俗或无意义的广告。
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hi, how many times can a customer come in a 60 min service? question from a fast customer ;)
Bboy: depends how many of you come, until 5pax its not needed
Ben: very few. from 1-3max and its even better to call in advance, much better is to come at the night
Aron: no....jak bychom Vam to vysvetlili...stavte se a uvidite. :)
Daniel: we are quiet sure :)
Mano: yes but its better to call in advance, at least day before
Weekend is my birthday. Planning to visit this place, do I have to book anything in advance.
Hi, How many girls working day time ?
U většiny dívek je v nabídce služeb uvedeno Classic service. Co si pod tím mám představit?
Hi, What is included in the price of 70 euro / 87 Euro for 1 hour (during happy hours) - just show or full intercourse :-) ?