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AAA Exclusive Club Praha 有权删除不合格,粗俗或无意义的广告。
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not yet, we are sorry
Lily is back???
Hello and Thank for a great new years Eve ! Hope I see you handsome Ladies soon Agian ^^ My friends enjoyed it very well to =)
how to get the best way to our club you can find in "Contact" section...or call us and we try to do something for you...at last we can send 3 times our car. :).....2) swimming pool....we dont have anymore as we moved to new exclusive place, we have 1 VIP room that is possible to use in bigger number of person, and we also have one room with whirpool, but this one is for max.4 person (included girls :D ) anyway for 10 of you its perfect now in compare of our previews club....:-)
we will be there in the last weekend of March 2011. What will be the best way to go to you club with 10 guys? and do you have a special offer if we will use the swimming pool with 5-10 girls for 1 hour?
Hallo hallo Swe! Thank you!!! Lili is not back yet, we are sorry.. :-(
I have seen new handsome ladies arrived ;P Very good ! Just wonder if Lily has returned? ^^ Take care ma'am
Hi Peter, unfortunately not, she is home already for Xmass, comes back in the New year, but still the choice of our is perfect, dont worry. :-)
Hi ! I would like to visit the 22 or 23.12. Will Jane be there in the evening ? Thanks !! :-)
...and the atmosphere is still same :-))