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AAA Exclusive Club Praha 有权删除不合格,粗俗或无意义的广告。
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Thank you Lion...:)
What can we say? 2 fantastic nights at the club - special regards to Jitka, Vanessa and Katka (+ Angie of course)- and then disappointment! C'est la vie!
Blaznivy Turk: thanks a lot :)) Looking forward to see you next time. ;)
Pavel: vypada to ze Utery, streda a vikend, kdyz tak si pro jistotu i zavolejte
I recommend this place to all.. Was Friday night and Sat. there.. had a lot fun.. nice girls..very friendly staff.. safe place..reasonable prices.. Special thanks to the special guestlady who made everything easy for me: Thanks Angie ;) Will be back verrrrrry soon girls The Bláznivý Turk ;)
Ahoj už víte které dny bude příští týden Lili?
ok tanx a lot
....i kdyz mozna trochu taky....:)
Romane nebojte se si zavolat v takových případech ,my Vás nekousneme :)
too sweet: its 5 days, so in this time will be most of our girls present and there is also many new very good looking girls without photos yet, so there for sure will be amazing choice, so we simply suggest to come and choose. ;)