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paul: You mean Liliana? She is supossed to be here at friday and saturday...
Ben: Pátek/friday-Lucy, Isabell, Katka, Saša, Liliana, Jéna, Kristýna a Míša. Sobota/saturday-Zuzka, Lucy, Isabell, Katka, Lea, Liliana, Jéna, Denisa. Neděle/sunday-Zuzka, Lucy, Klára, Sylva, Pavlína
PaulV: It is too soon to tell you, we will know at the end of this week.
Pat: You have to discuse with girls.
Frank: Pavlína works sunday and monday, Adéla is here from tuesday till thursday...
Hi there,is Lilly available next week?
Které dívky budou v clubu v pátek,sobota,neděle?
what girls are working tonight
Adela and Pavlina are usually at the begining of the week.
Hi there, I will be visiting your club on wednesday February 25. Which girls will be there? Will Klára, Pavlina, Jitka or Adela be there?